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Returns configuration settings for plot styles, with options to view as a structured dataframe or to look up specific parameters. Also provides parameter validation for custom configurations.


  plot_type = "default",
  parameter_name = NULL,
  show_docs = FALSE,
  validate_custom = NULL,
  as_dataframe = FALSE,
  printing = TRUE



Character. Type of plot: "comparison" (default), "detail", or "stack".


Character or NULL. Name of specific parameter to return information about.


Logical. Whether to include documentation in the output.


List or NULL. Custom configuration settings to validate.


Logical. Whether to return settings as a dataframe.


Logical. If TRUE, prints a formatted code snippet that can be copied and pasted to recreate the configuration. Default is FALSE.


If parameter_name is specified, returns a list with the value and documentation for that parameter. If validate_custom is specified, returns the validated configuration list. If as_dataframe is TRUE, returns a dataframe with configuration settings. Otherwise, returns a list with all configuration settings.


This function applies default styling for different types of plots and allows users to customize the appearance. The parameters are grouped as follows:

## **Title Settings** - `show_title`: Logical. Show or hide the plot title. Default: `TRUE` - `title_face`: Character. Font face (`"bold"`, `"plain"`, `"italic"`). Default: `"bold"` - `title_size`: Numeric. Font size of title. Default: `20` - `title_hjust`: Numeric. Horizontal alignment (0 = left, 1 = right). Default: `0.5` - `add_unit_to_title`: Logical. Append unit to title if applicable. Default: `TRUE` - `title_margin`: ggplot2 `margin()` object. Default: `ggplot2::margin(10, 0, 10, 0)` - `title_format`: List or NULL. Formatting options for the title, with elements:

  • type: Character. One of "prefix", "suffix", "full", or "dynamic".

  • text: Character. Text to add, or column names used for dynamic titles.

  • sep: Character. Separator used for dynamic titles. Default: " - ".

## **X-Axis Settings** - `show_x_axis_title`: Logical. Show or hide x-axis title. Default: `FALSE` - `x_axis_title_face`: Character. Font face for x-axis title. Default: `"bold"` - `x_axis_title_size`: Numeric. Font size of x-axis title. Default: `16` - `x_axis_title_margin`: ggplot2 `margin()`. Default: `ggplot2::margin(t = 20)` - `show_x_axis_labels`: Logical. Show or hide x-axis labels. Default: `TRUE` - `x_axis_text_face`: Character. Font face for x-axis labels. Default: `"bold"` - `x_axis_text_size`: Numeric. Font size of x-axis labels. Default: `14` - `x_axis_text_angle`: Numeric. Angle of x-axis labels. Default: `45` - `x_axis_text_hjust`: Numeric. Horizontal justification of x-axis labels. Default: `1` - `x_axis_description`: Character. Optional description for the x-axis. Default: `""`

## **Y-Axis Settings** - `show_y_axis_title`: Logical. Show or hide y-axis title. Default: `TRUE` - `y_axis_title_face`: Character. Font face for y-axis title. Default: `"bold"` - `y_axis_title_size`: Numeric. Font size of y-axis title. Default: `16` - `y_axis_title_margin`: ggplot2 `margin()`. Default: `ggplot2::margin(r = 20)` - `show_y_axis_labels`: Logical. Show or hide y-axis labels. Default: `TRUE` - `y_axis_text_face`: Character. Font face for y-axis labels. Default: `"plain"` - `y_axis_text_size`: Numeric. Font size of y-axis labels. Default: `14` - `y_axis_text_angle`: Numeric. Angle of y-axis labels. Default: `0` - `y_axis_text_hjust`: Numeric. Horizontal justification of y-axis labels. Default: `0` - `y_axis_description`: Character. Optional description for the y-axis. Default: `""` - `show_axis_titles_on_all_facets`: Logical. Show axis titles on all facets. Default: `TRUE`

## **Value Label Settings** - `show_value_labels`: Logical. Show or hide value labels. Default: `TRUE` - `value_label_face`: Character. Font face for value labels. Default: `"plain"` - `value_label_size`: Numeric. Font size of value labels. Default: `5` - `value_label_position`: Character. Position of value labels (`"above"`, `"outside"`, `"top"`). Default: `"above"` - `value_label_decimal_places`: Numeric. Number of decimal places in value labels. Default: `2`

## **Legend Settings** - `show_legend`: Logical. Show or hide legend. Default: `FALSE` - `show_legend_title`: Logical. Show or hide legend title. Default: `FALSE` - `legend_position`: Character. Legend position (`"none"`, `"bottom"`, `"right"`). Default: `"none"` - `legend_title_face`: Character. Font face for legend title. Default: `"bold"` - `legend_text_face`: Character. Font face for legend text. Default: `"plain"` - `legend_text_size`: Numeric. Font size for legend text. Default: `14`

## **Panel Strip Settings** - `strip_face`: Character. Font face for panel strip. Default: `"bold"` - `strip_text_size`: Numeric. Font size for panel strip. Default: `16` - `strip_background`: Character. Background color of strip. Default: `"lightgrey"` - `strip_text_margin`: ggplot2 `margin()`. Default: `ggplot2::margin(10, 0, 10, 0)`

## **Panel Layout** - `panel_spacing`: Numeric. Spacing between panels. Default: `2` - `panel_rows`: Numeric or `NULL`. Number of rows in panel layout. Default: `NULL` - `panel_cols`: Numeric or `NULL`. Number of columns in panel layout. Default: `NULL` - `theme`: ggplot2 theme object or `NULL`. Custom ggplot theme. Default: `NULL`

## **Color Settings** - `color_tone`: Character or `NULL`. Base color theme. Default: `NULL` - `positive_color`: Character. Color for positive values. Default: `"#2E8B57"` - `negative_color`: Character. Color for negative values. Default: `"#CD5C5C"` - `background_color`: Character. Background color of plot. Default: `"white"` - `grid_color`: Character. Color of grid lines. Default: `"grey90"` - `show_grid_major_x`: Logical. Show major grid lines on x-axis. Default: `FALSE` - `show_grid_major_y`: Logical. Show major grid lines on y-axis. Default: `TRUE` - `show_grid_minor_x`: Logical. Show minor grid lines on x-axis. Default: `FALSE` - `show_grid_minor_y`: Logical. Show minor grid lines on y-axis. Default: `FALSE`

## **Zero Line Settings** - `show_zero_line`: Logical. Show or hide zero line. Default: `TRUE` - `zero_line_type`: Character. Line type (`"solid"`, `"dashed"`, `"dotted"`). Default: `"dashed"` - `zero_line_color`: Character. Color of zero line. Default: `"black"` - `zero_line_size`: Numeric. Line thickness of zero line. Default: `0.5` - `zero_line_position`: Numeric. Position of the zero line. Default: `0`

## **Bar Chart Settings** - `bar_width`: Numeric. Width of bars. Default: `0.9` - `bar_spacing`: Numeric. Spacing between bars. Default: `0.9`

## **Scale Settings** - `scale_limit`: Numeric vector of length 2. Manual limits for value axis. Example: `c(-10, 10)` - `scale_increment`: Numeric. Step size for axis tick marks. Example: `2`

## **Scale Expansion Settings** - `expansion_y_mult`: Numeric vector. Y-axis expansion. Default: `c(0.05, 0.1)` - `expansion_x_mult`: Numeric vector. X-axis expansion. Default: `c(0.05, 0.05)`

## **All Font Adjustment** - `all_font_size`: Numeric. Master control for all font sizes. Default: `1`


Pattawee Puangchit


# Get alldefault configuration
get_plot_style_config(printing = TRUE)
#> my_style_config <- list(
#>   # Title settings
#>   show_title = TRUE,
#>   title_face = "bold",
#>   title_size = 20,
#>   title_hjust = 0.5,
#>   add_unit_to_title = TRUE,
#>   title_margin = margin(t = 10, r = 0, b = 10, l = 0),
#>   title_format = list(
#>     type = "standard", #option: prefix, suffix, full, dynamic
#>     text = "",
#>     sep = ""
#>   ),
#>   # X-Axis settings
#>   show_x_axis_title = TRUE,
#>   x_axis_title_face = "bold",
#>   x_axis_title_size = 16,
#>   x_axis_title_margin = margin(t = 25, r = 25, b = 0, l = 0),
#>   show_x_axis_labels = TRUE,
#>   x_axis_text_face = "plain",
#>   x_axis_text_size = 14,
#>   x_axis_text_angle = 0,
#>   x_axis_text_hjust = 0,
#>   x_axis_description = "",
#>   # Y-Axis settings
#>   show_y_axis_title = TRUE,
#>   y_axis_title_face = "bold",
#>   y_axis_title_size = 16,
#>   y_axis_title_margin = margin(t = 25, r = 25, b = 0, l = 0),
#>   show_y_axis_labels = TRUE,
#>   y_axis_text_face = "plain",
#>   y_axis_text_size = 14,
#>   y_axis_text_angle = 0,
#>   y_axis_text_hjust = 0,
#>   y_axis_description = "",
#>   show_axis_titles_on_all_facets = TRUE,
#>   # Value Labels
#>   show_value_labels = TRUE,
#>   value_label_face = "plain",
#>   value_label_size = 5,
#>   value_label_position = "above",
#>   value_label_decimal_places = 2,
#>   # Legend
#>   show_legend = FALSE,
#>   show_legend_title = FALSE,
#>   legend_position = "bottom",
#>   legend_title_face = "bold",
#>   legend_text_face = "plain",
#>   legend_text_size = 14,
#>   # Panel Strip
#>   strip_face = "bold",
#>   strip_text_size = 16,
#>   strip_background = "lightgrey",
#>   strip_text_margin = margin(t = 10, r = 0, b = 10, l = 0),
#>   # Panel Layout
#>   panel_spacing = 2,
#>   panel_rows = NULL,
#>   panel_cols = NULL,
#>   theme = NULL,
#>   # Colors
#>   color_tone = NULL,
#>   color_palette_type = "qualitative", #option: qualitative, sequential, diverging
#>   positive_color = "#2E8B57",
#>   negative_color = "#CD5C5C",
#>   background_color = "white",
#>   grid_color = "grey90",
#>   show_grid_major_x = FALSE,
#>   show_grid_major_y = FALSE,
#>   show_grid_minor_x = FALSE,
#>   show_grid_minor_y = FALSE,
#>   # Zero Line
#>   show_zero_line = TRUE,
#>   zero_line_type = "dashed",
#>   zero_line_color = "black",
#>   zero_line_size = 0.5,
#>   zero_line_position = 0,
#>   # Bar Chart
#>   bar_width = 0.9,
#>   bar_spacing = 0.9,
#>   # Scale Settings
#>   scale_limit = NULL,
#>   scale_increment = NULL,
#>   # Scale Expansion
#>   expansion_y_mult = c(0.05, 0.1),
#>   expansion_x_mult = c(0.05, 0.05),
#>   # Font Size Control
#>   all_font_size = 1,
#>   # Data Sorting
#>   sort_data_by_value = FALSE
#> )
#> # Example usage:
#> # comparison_plot(data, x_axis_from = "REG", plot_style_config = my_style_config)

# Get information about a specific parameter
param_info <- get_plot_style_config("default", "bar_width")

# Get as structured dataframe
config_df <- get_plot_style_config("default", as_dataframe = TRUE)

# Validate custom configuration
custom_config <- list(title_size = 24, bar_width = 0.7)
validated <- get_plot_style_config("default", validate_custom = custom_config)