Returns configuration settings for plot styles, with options to view as a structured dataframe or to look up specific parameters. Also provides parameter validation for custom configurations.
plot_type = "default",
parameter_name = NULL,
show_docs = FALSE,
validate_custom = NULL,
as_dataframe = FALSE,
printing = TRUE
- plot_type
Character. Type of plot: "comparison" (default), "detail", or "stack".
- parameter_name
Character or NULL. Name of specific parameter to return information about.
- show_docs
Logical. Whether to include documentation in the output.
- validate_custom
List or NULL. Custom configuration settings to validate.
- as_dataframe
Logical. Whether to return settings as a dataframe.
- printing
Logical. If TRUE, prints a formatted code snippet that can be copied and pasted to recreate the configuration. Default is FALSE.
If parameter_name
is specified, returns a list with the value and documentation for that parameter.
If validate_custom
is specified, returns the validated configuration list.
If as_dataframe
is TRUE, returns a dataframe with configuration settings.
Otherwise, returns a list with all configuration settings.
This function applies default styling for different types of plots and allows users to customize the appearance. The parameters are grouped as follows:
## **Title Settings** - `show_title`: Logical. Show or hide the plot title. Default: `TRUE` - `title_face`: Character. Font face (`"bold"`, `"plain"`, `"italic"`). Default: `"bold"` - `title_size`: Numeric. Font size of title. Default: `20` - `title_hjust`: Numeric. Horizontal alignment (0 = left, 1 = right). Default: `0.5` - `add_unit_to_title`: Logical. Append unit to title if applicable. Default: `TRUE` - `title_margin`: ggplot2 `margin()` object. Default: `ggplot2::margin(10, 0, 10, 0)` - `title_format`: List or NULL. Formatting options for the title, with elements:
: Character. One of "prefix", "suffix", "full", or "dynamic".text
: Character. Text to add, or column names used for dynamic titles.sep
: Character. Separator used for dynamic titles. Default: " - ".
## **X-Axis Settings** - `show_x_axis_title`: Logical. Show or hide x-axis title. Default: `FALSE` - `x_axis_title_face`: Character. Font face for x-axis title. Default: `"bold"` - `x_axis_title_size`: Numeric. Font size of x-axis title. Default: `16` - `x_axis_title_margin`: ggplot2 `margin()`. Default: `ggplot2::margin(t = 20)` - `show_x_axis_labels`: Logical. Show or hide x-axis labels. Default: `TRUE` - `x_axis_text_face`: Character. Font face for x-axis labels. Default: `"bold"` - `x_axis_text_size`: Numeric. Font size of x-axis labels. Default: `14` - `x_axis_text_angle`: Numeric. Angle of x-axis labels. Default: `45` - `x_axis_text_hjust`: Numeric. Horizontal justification of x-axis labels. Default: `1` - `x_axis_description`: Character. Optional description for the x-axis. Default: `""`
## **Y-Axis Settings** - `show_y_axis_title`: Logical. Show or hide y-axis title. Default: `TRUE` - `y_axis_title_face`: Character. Font face for y-axis title. Default: `"bold"` - `y_axis_title_size`: Numeric. Font size of y-axis title. Default: `16` - `y_axis_title_margin`: ggplot2 `margin()`. Default: `ggplot2::margin(r = 20)` - `show_y_axis_labels`: Logical. Show or hide y-axis labels. Default: `TRUE` - `y_axis_text_face`: Character. Font face for y-axis labels. Default: `"plain"` - `y_axis_text_size`: Numeric. Font size of y-axis labels. Default: `14` - `y_axis_text_angle`: Numeric. Angle of y-axis labels. Default: `0` - `y_axis_text_hjust`: Numeric. Horizontal justification of y-axis labels. Default: `0` - `y_axis_description`: Character. Optional description for the y-axis. Default: `""` - `show_axis_titles_on_all_facets`: Logical. Show axis titles on all facets. Default: `TRUE`
## **Value Label Settings** - `show_value_labels`: Logical. Show or hide value labels. Default: `TRUE` - `value_label_face`: Character. Font face for value labels. Default: `"plain"` - `value_label_size`: Numeric. Font size of value labels. Default: `5` - `value_label_position`: Character. Position of value labels (`"above"`, `"outside"`, `"top"`). Default: `"above"` - `value_label_decimal_places`: Numeric. Number of decimal places in value labels. Default: `2`
## **Legend Settings** - `show_legend`: Logical. Show or hide legend. Default: `FALSE` - `show_legend_title`: Logical. Show or hide legend title. Default: `FALSE` - `legend_position`: Character. Legend position (`"none"`, `"bottom"`, `"right"`). Default: `"none"` - `legend_title_face`: Character. Font face for legend title. Default: `"bold"` - `legend_text_face`: Character. Font face for legend text. Default: `"plain"` - `legend_text_size`: Numeric. Font size for legend text. Default: `14`
## **Panel Strip Settings** - `strip_face`: Character. Font face for panel strip. Default: `"bold"` - `strip_text_size`: Numeric. Font size for panel strip. Default: `16` - `strip_background`: Character. Background color of strip. Default: `"lightgrey"` - `strip_text_margin`: ggplot2 `margin()`. Default: `ggplot2::margin(10, 0, 10, 0)`
## **Panel Layout** - `panel_spacing`: Numeric. Spacing between panels. Default: `2` - `panel_rows`: Numeric or `NULL`. Number of rows in panel layout. Default: `NULL` - `panel_cols`: Numeric or `NULL`. Number of columns in panel layout. Default: `NULL` - `theme`: ggplot2 theme object or `NULL`. Custom ggplot theme. Default: `NULL`
## **Color Settings** - `color_tone`: Character or `NULL`. Base color theme. Default: `NULL` - `positive_color`: Character. Color for positive values. Default: `"#2E8B57"` - `negative_color`: Character. Color for negative values. Default: `"#CD5C5C"` - `background_color`: Character. Background color of plot. Default: `"white"` - `grid_color`: Character. Color of grid lines. Default: `"grey90"` - `show_grid_major_x`: Logical. Show major grid lines on x-axis. Default: `FALSE` - `show_grid_major_y`: Logical. Show major grid lines on y-axis. Default: `TRUE` - `show_grid_minor_x`: Logical. Show minor grid lines on x-axis. Default: `FALSE` - `show_grid_minor_y`: Logical. Show minor grid lines on y-axis. Default: `FALSE`
## **Zero Line Settings** - `show_zero_line`: Logical. Show or hide zero line. Default: `TRUE` - `zero_line_type`: Character. Line type (`"solid"`, `"dashed"`, `"dotted"`). Default: `"dashed"` - `zero_line_color`: Character. Color of zero line. Default: `"black"` - `zero_line_size`: Numeric. Line thickness of zero line. Default: `0.5` - `zero_line_position`: Numeric. Position of the zero line. Default: `0`
## **Bar Chart Settings** - `bar_width`: Numeric. Width of bars. Default: `0.9` - `bar_spacing`: Numeric. Spacing between bars. Default: `0.9`
## **Scale Settings** - `scale_limit`: Numeric vector of length 2. Manual limits for value axis. Example: `c(-10, 10)` - `scale_increment`: Numeric. Step size for axis tick marks. Example: `2`
## **Scale Expansion Settings** - `expansion_y_mult`: Numeric vector. Y-axis expansion. Default: `c(0.05, 0.1)` - `expansion_x_mult`: Numeric vector. X-axis expansion. Default: `c(0.05, 0.05)`
## **All Font Adjustment** - `all_font_size`: Numeric. Master control for all font sizes. Default: `1`
# Get alldefault configuration
get_plot_style_config(printing = TRUE)
#> my_style_config <- list(
#> # Title settings
#> show_title = TRUE,
#> title_face = "bold",
#> title_size = 20,
#> title_hjust = 0.5,
#> add_unit_to_title = TRUE,
#> title_margin = margin(t = 10, r = 0, b = 10, l = 0),
#> title_format = list(
#> type = "standard", #option: prefix, suffix, full, dynamic
#> text = "",
#> sep = ""
#> ),
#> # X-Axis settings
#> show_x_axis_title = TRUE,
#> x_axis_title_face = "bold",
#> x_axis_title_size = 16,
#> x_axis_title_margin = margin(t = 25, r = 25, b = 0, l = 0),
#> show_x_axis_labels = TRUE,
#> x_axis_text_face = "plain",
#> x_axis_text_size = 14,
#> x_axis_text_angle = 0,
#> x_axis_text_hjust = 0,
#> x_axis_description = "",
#> # Y-Axis settings
#> show_y_axis_title = TRUE,
#> y_axis_title_face = "bold",
#> y_axis_title_size = 16,
#> y_axis_title_margin = margin(t = 25, r = 25, b = 0, l = 0),
#> show_y_axis_labels = TRUE,
#> y_axis_text_face = "plain",
#> y_axis_text_size = 14,
#> y_axis_text_angle = 0,
#> y_axis_text_hjust = 0,
#> y_axis_description = "",
#> show_axis_titles_on_all_facets = TRUE,
#> # Value Labels
#> show_value_labels = TRUE,
#> value_label_face = "plain",
#> value_label_size = 5,
#> value_label_position = "above",
#> value_label_decimal_places = 2,
#> # Legend
#> show_legend = FALSE,
#> show_legend_title = FALSE,
#> legend_position = "bottom",
#> legend_title_face = "bold",
#> legend_text_face = "plain",
#> legend_text_size = 14,
#> # Panel Strip
#> strip_face = "bold",
#> strip_text_size = 16,
#> strip_background = "lightgrey",
#> strip_text_margin = margin(t = 10, r = 0, b = 10, l = 0),
#> # Panel Layout
#> panel_spacing = 2,
#> panel_rows = NULL,
#> panel_cols = NULL,
#> theme = NULL,
#> # Colors
#> color_tone = NULL,
#> color_palette_type = "qualitative", #option: qualitative, sequential, diverging
#> positive_color = "#2E8B57",
#> negative_color = "#CD5C5C",
#> background_color = "white",
#> grid_color = "grey90",
#> show_grid_major_x = FALSE,
#> show_grid_major_y = FALSE,
#> show_grid_minor_x = FALSE,
#> show_grid_minor_y = FALSE,
#> # Zero Line
#> show_zero_line = TRUE,
#> zero_line_type = "dashed",
#> zero_line_color = "black",
#> zero_line_size = 0.5,
#> zero_line_position = 0,
#> # Bar Chart
#> bar_width = 0.9,
#> bar_spacing = 0.9,
#> # Scale Settings
#> scale_limit = NULL,
#> scale_increment = NULL,
#> # Scale Expansion
#> expansion_y_mult = c(0.05, 0.1),
#> expansion_x_mult = c(0.05, 0.05),
#> # Font Size Control
#> all_font_size = 1,
#> # Data Sorting
#> sort_data_by_value = FALSE
#> )
#> # Example usage:
#> # comparison_plot(data, x_axis_from = "REG", plot_style_config = my_style_config)
# Get information about a specific parameter
param_info <- get_plot_style_config("default", "bar_width")
# Get as structured dataframe
config_df <- get_plot_style_config("default", as_dataframe = TRUE)
# Validate custom configuration
custom_config <- list(title_size = 24, bar_width = 0.7)
validated <- get_plot_style_config("default", validate_custom = custom_config)