Extracts scalar macroeconomic variables from multiple SL4 datasets and aggregates them into a structured data frame.
select_var = NULL,
experiment = NULL,
input_path = NULL,
output_path = NULL,
output_formats = NULL,
subtotal_level = FALSE
- select_var
Character vector (optional). List of specific variable names to filter from the final result. If NULL, all variables are returned.
- experiment
Character vector. List of experiment names corresponding to SL4 files.
- input_path
Character. Path to the directory containing SL4 files.
- output_path
Character (optional). Directory to save exported data.
- output_formats
Character vector (optional). List of output formats (e.g., "csv", "xlsx").
- subtotal_level
Logical. Whether to include subtotal levels in the processed data.
# Input Path:
input_path <- system.file("extdata/in", package = "GTAPViz")
# GTAP Macro Variables from 2 .sl4 Files named (EXP1, EXP2)
# Note: No need to add .sl4 to the experiment name
gtap_macro <- gtap_macros_data(NULL, experiment = c("EXP1", "EXP2"),
input_path = input_path, subtotal_level = FALSE)