Transforms multiple datasets into wide-format tables based on defined pivot columns, hierarchical grouping, and renaming rules. Supports optional subtotal filtering and exporting to Excel.
total_column = FALSE,
export_table = FALSE,
separate_file = FALSE,
output_path = NULL,
sheet_names = NULL,
include_units = FALSE,
component_exclude = NULL,
group_by = NULL,
rename_cols = NULL,
var_name_by_description = TRUE,
add_var_info = FALSE,
decimal = 2,
unit_select = NULL,
separate_sheet_by = NULL,
subtotal_level = FALSE,
repeat_label = FALSE,
workbook_name = "detail_results",
add_group_line = FALSE
- data_list
A named list of data frames to process.
- pivot_col
A named list specifying the column to pivot into a wide format for each dataset. Each dataset can have only one pivot column. Example:
pivot_col = list(A = "COLUMN", E1 = "PRICES")
- total_column
Logical. If `TRUE`, adds a "Total" column summing numeric values.
- export_table
Logical. If `TRUE`, saves the output as an Excel file.
- separate_file
Logical. If `TRUE`, saves each dataset as a separate Excel file.
- output_path
Character. Directory for saving Excel files when `export_table = TRUE`.
- sheet_names
Optional named list for custom sheet names.
- include_units
Logical. If `TRUE`, includes "Unit" as a grouping column if applicable.
- component_exclude
Optional character vector specifying pivoted values to exclude.
- group_by
A named list defining hierarchical grouping for each dataset. The order of columns in each list determines the priority. Example:
group_by = list(A = list("Experiment", "REG"), E1 = list("Experiment", "REG", "COMM"))
- rename_cols
A named list for renaming columns across **all** datasets. Example:
rename_cols = list("REG" = "Region", "COMM" = "Commodities", "Experiment" = "Scenario")
- var_name_by_description
Logical. If `TRUE`, replaces variable codes with descriptions when available.
- add_var_info
Logical. If `TRUE`, appends variable codes in parentheses after descriptions.
- decimal
Numeric. Number of decimal places for rounding values.
- unit_select
Optional character. Specifies a unit to filter the dataset.
- separate_sheet_by
Optional column name to split sheets in Excel. If defined, each unique value in the specified column gets its own sheet. Example:
separate_sheet_by = "Scenario"
.- subtotal_level
Logical. If `TRUE`, includes all subtotal values; otherwise, keeps only `TOTAL` rows.
- repeat_label
Logical. If `TRUE`, repeats the first group column in exports for clarity.
- workbook_name
Character. Name of the Excel workbook (without extension).
- add_group_line
Logical. If `TRUE`, adds a thin line after each group in the exported table.
A named list of transformed data frames. If `export_table = TRUE`, tables are saved as Excel files.
# \donttest{
# Input Path:
input_path <- system.file("extdata/in", package = "GTAPViz")
# Note: No need to add .sl4 to the experiment name
gtap_data <- auto_gtap_data(experiment = c("EXP1", "EXP2"),
input_path = input_path, subtotal_level = FALSE,
process_sl4_vars = c("qgdp", "EV"), process_har_vars = FALSE,
mapping_info = "GTAPv7", plot_data = TRUE)
#> All 2 requested experiment SL4 files are found.
#> Mapping method used: GTAPv7
#> Processing SL4 Data
#> Summary of Processing:
#> SL4 Data processed successfully
#> GTAP data processing completed successfully!
data_list =[["1D"]],
pivot_col = list(Region = "Variable"),
group_by = list(
Region = list("Experiment", "Region")),
rename_cols = list("Experiment" = "Scenario"),
total_column = FALSE,
decimal = 4,
subtotal_level = FALSE,
repeat_label = FALSE,
include_units = TRUE,
var_name_by_description = TRUE,
add_var_info = TRUE,
add_group_line = FALSE,
separate_sheet_by = "Unit",
export_table = TRUE,
output_path = "/your/folder/path",
separate_file = FALSE,
workbook_name = "Comparison Table"
#> Error in report_table(data_list =[["1D"]], pivot_col = list(Region = "Variable"), group_by = list(Region = list("Experiment", "Region")), rename_cols = list(Experiment = "Scenario"), total_column = FALSE, decimal = 4, subtotal_level = FALSE, repeat_label = FALSE, include_units = TRUE, var_name_by_description = TRUE, add_var_info = TRUE, add_group_line = FALSE, separate_sheet_by = "Unit", export_table = TRUE, output_path = "/your/folder/path", separate_file = FALSE, workbook_name = "Comparison Table"): data_list must be a list.
# }