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Reads a GEMPACK HAR file and efficiently extracts structured data while maintaining compatibility with standard HAR formats. This implementation builds upon the foundational work of the HARr package, reorganizing the process for improved execution speed, memory management, and handling of sparse data structures.


load_harplus(con, coefAsname = FALSE, lowercase = TRUE, select_header = NULL)



Character or connection. The file path to the HAR file or an open binary connection.


Logical. If TRUE, replaces four-letter headers with coefficient names when available. Default is FALSE.


Logical. If TRUE, converts all string values to lowercase. Default is TRUE.


Character vector. Specific headers to extract; if NULL, reads all headers.


A structured list where:

  • Each element corresponds to a header in the HAR file.

  • Names are either header names or coefficient names (if coefAsname = TRUE).

  • Data maintains its original dimensions and attributes.


  • Efficient File Reading: Reads large HAR files in chunks for better performance.

  • Optimized Memory Usage: Reduces unnecessary allocations and improves cleanup.

  • Streamlined Header Processing: Ensures accurate extraction of dimension metadata.

  • Supports Sparse Data Structures: Handles RESPSE and REFULL headers efficiently.

Supported HAR Header Types:

  • 1CFULL: Character headers

  • 2IFULL: Integer headers

  • 2RFULL: Real headers

  • REFULL: Real headers with extended metadata

  • RESPSE: Sparse real headers

See also


Pattawee Puangchit