Create Hierarchical Pivot Table from SL4 or HAR Objects
Creates hierarchical pivot tables from structured SL4 or HAR data, with optional Excel export. Supports both single data frames and nested lists, preserving dimension hierarchies.
name_repair = "unique",
export = FALSE,
file_path = NULL,
xlsx_filename = NULL
- data_obj
A list or data frame. The SL4 or HAR data to pivot.
- pivot_cols
Character vector. Column names to use as pivot keys in order of hierarchy.
- name_repair
Character. Method for handling duplicate column names (
). Default is"unique"
.- export
Logical. If
, exports result to Excel. Default isFALSE
.- file_path
Character. Required if export = TRUE. The path for Excel export.
- xlsx_filename
Character. The name for the Excel file when using multi_sheet_xlsx. If NULL, uses the name of the dataset. Default is
A pivoted data object with hierarchical structure:
If input is a data frame: Returns a hierarchical pivot table.
If input is a list: Returns a nested list of hierarchical pivot tables.
If export = TRUE: Invisibly returns the pivoted object after Excel export.
Transforms data into hierarchical pivot format with nested column headers.
Supports multiple pivot columns in specified order (e.g., REG > COMM).
Handles both single data frames and nested list structures.
Optional direct export to Excel with formatted hierarchical headers.
Uses efficient data processing with tidyr and openxlsx.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Import sample data:
sl4_data <- load_sl4x(system.file("extdata", "TAR10.sl4", package = "HARplus"))
# Extract data
data_multiple <- get_data_by_var(c("qo", "pca"), sl4_data)
# Create hierarchical pivot without export
pivot_hier <- pivot_data_hierarchy(data_multiple,
pivot_cols = c("REG", "COMM"))
# Create and export to Excel in one step
pivot_export <- pivot_data_hierarchy(data_multiple,
pivot_cols = c("REG", "COMM"),
export = TRUE,
file_path = file.path(tempdir(), "pivot_output.xlsx"))
} # }